Today is Pentecost Day, commemorating that day when the Holy Spirit
descended upon the Apostles gathered in the Cenacle together with Mary,
mother of Jesus. That was a new day for them. The day they were transformed
from being slow-learners to inspired preachers, from being cowards to being
The Holy Spirit even today inspires men and women to follow the teachings
of Christ. There are many good things being done in this world due to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit that are being followed by good men and women.
In the recent election in the Philippines, it would seem from so many reports
on cheating, vote buying, coercion that some politicians and their followers did not
follow the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, but rather followed the temptations
of the Evil Spirit. Good deeds are inspired by the Holy Spirit. Bad deeds, like
cheating, vote buying, coercion are "inspirations" from the Evil One.
The Philippines is a Catholic country as a whole. But this good name of the
Philippines is being tarnished by those people whose gods are Money, Power, and
We pray that the Holy Spirit's inspirations be docilely followed by everyone,
so that the Filipinos may again be proud of their country as pearl of the Orient
Seas, as the only Christian country in Asia.
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